Peggy Chi

Staff Research Scientist, Google DeepMind

Conference Papers
Google Blog Post
Workshop and Forum Papers
Demo, Poster, and Work-in-Progress Papers
Magazine Papers
Dissertation and Theses
  • Pei-yu Chi, Designing Video-Based Interactive Instructions, Ph.D. Dissertation in Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, USA, August 2016. [PDF] [Source Code] [Berkeley archive]
  • Pei-yu Chi, Raconteur: Intelligent Assistance for Conversational Storytelling with Media Libraries, M.S. Thesis in Media Arts and Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, September 2010. [PDF] [MIT archive]
  • Pei-yu Chi, Enabling Calorie-Aware Cooking in a Smart Kitchen, M.S. Thesis in Computer Science, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, July 2008. [PDF] [Slides]
    • Thesis advisor: Hao-hua Chu, NTU CSIE
    • Thesis readers:
      • Cheryl Chen, NTU Nursing School
      • Lin-lin Chen, Department of Industrial and Commercial Design, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
      • Sue-Huei Chen, NTU Psychology Department
      • Taysheng Jeng, Department of Archieceture, National Cheng Kung University